Thursday, November 1, 2007


My Querencia-What if you were 65 million years ago, in a world of brimstone, and constant roaring, humidity surrounding you, suffocating you to the point where you can’t breathe. The sun just coming over the horizon, but when the sun rises it blazes so hot that it is unbearable. Bugs squirm around you, non stop second after second. The plants in your eyes, everywhere you go trees and plants follow. But in all this commotion you find that one spot where you are surrounded by only dinosaurs. Their graceful munching of grass, feeding their young, and drinking the pure water. Everything is so peaceful, until the carnivore’s come. They dismantle the herbivores and tear their sorry limbs to a full well dinner. The Carchadontosaurus smells you, but if you don’t move a muscle, you will not be hurt, his attention goes elsewhere, to Pterodactyl, as he soars into the confines of his range. As you see the triceratops, dead decapitated bones, you force yourself to stick your hand out as you feel the scaly bones. You quickly back away, you look to you hand and see the dead skin. You smell nothing but constant corprolite, making you sick to your stomach. My querencia is dinosaurs, I love to see imagine if they were still around, and I like to think what happened to them, these different theories of why these kings disappeared. When I think of dinosaurs I think of different animals and evolution. I think what they evolved into, such as birds as our times and what prehistoric animals evolved into like the wooly mammoth, it is really fascinating to look at all the different parts of the dinosaurs. Although if they were still around it would be very bad because they would kill all of us.

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