Thursday, November 1, 2007

Featurecast from the past: Reflection

Project Purpose:
To understand the difference between Cause/Effect Relationships and Correlations. To understand how and why major events in history are connected and intertwined (think yarn activity!). To research a major event from U.S. history in order to understand why it is significant and how it relates to other major events. To understand features of a feature article and podcast and to be able to create a feature article or podcast about your major event in history.

Project Requirements:
To present the 5Ws of your major event to the class. To write/peer edit/revise a feature article or podcast. To have at least three drafts in your Writing Portfolio. To present a polished version of your feature article or podcast on Media Night, as well as posting it online to our Team Featurecast from the Past web page (made by James).

Specific Concepts Learned:
Include at least two concepts. Be specific about the information/research/differences between correlations and cause/effect relationships that you learned. You should be able to explain the significance of your event (include specific facts) or give an example of a correlation and a cause/effect relationship between your event and another significant event.

What challenges did you face throughout this project? How did you overcome these challenges?

Real-World Significance:
What is the real-world significance of learning major events in history and how they are related? What is the real-world significance of research or creating feature articles/podcasts?

I learned what the Great Depression was and went more in depth as to who were the presidents were such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover, and what contributuions they made to The United States of America. Many of these contirbutions were to ease the pain of America and most of the world, since the Great Depression hit most of the modern world, there was not much anyone could do.

I also learned what the Dust Bowl was. They were basically Giant Sandstorms that overtook America and forced people out of there homes. They were massived Storms, nearly 300 feet wide. A challenge I faced was that I slacked off in this project, because I was distracted and off topic. But in the end I pulled it together and found a great program on macs called Pages, and all I had to do was copy and paste my words from Word, and put pictures on it, Presto Chango. The Real World Signafigance of this project is that the stocks increase and deacrease every day and they are a part of modern and unique worlds, they help us know when the stocks are down and up.

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